
My Body is Finally Morphing.

I have this friend who is 10 years older than me, and I've known her since I was 18. 

When I turned 21, she told me that my body would go downhill now.  Downhill?  Did she mean like in the cartoons when someone rolls a snowball down a hill and it gets bigger and bigger?  Was I going to be as round as I was tall?

Nothing happened.  When I turned 25, the same statement was made.  30, here she goes again.  35!  I pretty much still had the same shape.  She was misinformed.  Right?  I could still run, bike, do a roundoff!

Right around the 36 mark it started.   In the mirror I thought I still looked the same, but as pictures of me were taken between then and now, I noticed that I didn't look as "fit" as I thought I did.  My waist seems to have been stolen, as I take on a rectangular shape in my middle area.  When did I start buying "Medium" in shirts?  How do you get cellulite above your knees?  Why do I sometimes make a little groaning noise when I get up from sitting too long?  Dear Lord, help me!

And gray hair?  My sister told me to come and complain to her when I found one "down yonder."  It turns gray?  I think it's time for a Brazilian wax....

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